From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
ქართველი ემიგრაციაში ალბათ, თორე ყანწს მაგიდაზე ეგრე არცერთი ქართველი არ დაიდგავს )) შეილება აქ არი პროსტა ნამყოფი და ვიღაცამ სუვენირის პონტში შეტენა და ეხა გონია რო მაგარი რარიტეტი უდევს))
რა სიამოვნებით ჩავურთავდი ეხლა ამას ვინმე გოგოს სიმსის მეტი რო არაფერი უთამაშია )))))
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.