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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#121 » 17 Sep 2019 20:53

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#122 » 26 Sep 2019 01:24

არ მახოსვს ადრე დავდე თუ არა მარა იყოს
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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#123 » 02 Oct 2019 00:50

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O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
We still remember, we who dwell
In this far land beneath the trees,
Thy starlight on the Western Seas.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#124 » 02 Oct 2019 00:55

ვაააააააჰ არ ველოდი :D:D:D
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#125 » 02 Oct 2019 02:08

ერთ დღეშია ეს ჩაწერილი ფაქტიურად. მერე კიდე დავხვეწავთ.
O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
We still remember, we who dwell
In this far land beneath the trees,
Thy starlight on the Western Seas.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#126 » 02 Oct 2019 03:02

გამისწორდა ძალიან, ნუ მთლიან ოსტს ღიად თუ არ დადებთ ისე ჩამიგდე )))))))
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

Posts: 11793

Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#127 » 03 Oct 2019 19:34

მაგარი ატმოსფერულია. ველოდები სხვა ოსტებს.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#128 » 19 Nov 2019 13:01

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#129 » 17 Dec 2019 19:31

ზამთარში კარგ ფენტეზის იშვიათად თუ ჯობია რამე

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#130 » 07 Jan 2020 11:12

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

Posts: 11793

Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#131 » 07 Jan 2020 14:38

დალევასაც მინდა რო ეგეთი ანიმაცია ედოს კაცებზე ))

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#132 » 08 Jan 2020 13:55

დიდი მოგზაურობის და ფათერაკების შემდეგ თანამებრძოლებთან დამშვიდობების დრო რომ დგება და არავინ იცის ოდესმე თუ შეხვდებით ერთმანეთს, მაგრამ მაინც იმედით რო ხარ სავსე და მიიკვლევ გზას ახალი გაურკვეველი თავგადასავლებისკენ <3
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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#133 » 23 Jan 2020 17:46

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#134 » 28 Jan 2020 06:48

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

Posts: 11793

Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#135 » 18 Feb 2020 08:55

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#136 » 18 Feb 2020 10:34

გამარჯვების შემდეგ ქნევა ფეხების ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#137 » 29 Feb 2020 00:26

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#138 » 22 Mar 2020 23:37

ტრილოგიის კომპოზიტორს კარგა ხანი სდომებია ძველი სინთეზატორზე შექმნილი საუნდტრეკების ორკესტრული ვარიანტის გამოშვებ, ხოდა შარან გამოუცია ალბომი სადაც რჩეული ტრეკები შედის.
სერიოზულად მოაქვს <3
რუტრეკერის ლინკი

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Posts: 6182

Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#139 » 10 Apr 2020 23:47

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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Posts: 6182

Re: Soundtraks

Unread post#140 » 16 Apr 2020 07:37

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From the shards of tattered dreams I rose, unwilling. Tossed upon tides of pain that flowed and ebbed and left me searingly awake and more revoltingly... alive.

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